How I Made my first Online Dollar With a mistake on Product Hunt

You read it right, I am not exaggerating this shit, This happened.

Rahul Singh Bhadoriya
5 min readJun 26, 2021


Ok, Let me explain how did this happen. If you are not aware of Product Hunt. (Read it Here)

I have been on the Product hunt for a long time and always seeing people create amazing products and not only create but also sell them.

Being in the design industry for a long time and having so much stuff which I created for fun and my practice, I started thinking about which I can sell as a product. I know this sounds a little greedy but all the amazing products were started with a simple thought.

So I started researching and made my first product:

Doodlicons — A carelessly designed Icon set.

Doodlicons — Icons for next Wireframe

This is where all that mishap happened, After creating Doodlicons, I submitted it to the Product hunt website, I wanted to see the requirements and what is needed for a good launch from the product hunt’s side.

It was nothing much, Product hunt needed only a few things ( Listed Below)

  1. Product Cover or Covers
  2. A link to product or Landing Page
  3. Details of Maker

After submitting this, It gave me two buttons, First launching it right away or schedule it for the future. I didn’t want to schedule it but I also didn’t want to reenter all the stuff again, so I chose a future date and hit schedule ( You would think I am that smart to figure out which is schedule button but I am not) I pressed the wrong f*cking button. The product was launched

Product hunt gives you a 24 HR window to promote before it goes to the next day launch list. I knew I fucked up and I cant undo it (Why does our life not have a Ctrl + Z Button? Why God, Why?)

I was in a state of panic because I didn’t want my first product to fail. So I went online and started to search how can I make sure that my product launch is successful.

Here are some steps I took, You can try them in your Product launch too

(Just don’t fucking click a wrong button like me)

  1. Communities
    Communities are a great way to increase tractions and show your product to multiple people. I joined multiple communities in Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Discord and spammed them with my product, Now I won’t suggest spamming communities. I didn’t have any choice because of my mistake but you do so join these communities beforehand and interact with people before bombarding them with links.
  2. Friends
    I mean I don’t have many real-life friends(What is that pity look like?) But I have too many online friends. I blasted all of them with the links on Twitter and Whatsapp.
  3. I also tagged Product makers and they are very helpful.

After doing all of this I remembered that while I am sharing the Product hunt link, my product link is a notion page, Which isn’t even ready for the launch (Remember launched by mistake) So the next step was creating a Landing Page, Being a No-code and a lazy guy, I made the whole landing page in Notion.

You can check the page here — landing page

After setting up the notion page I had to divert the users to somewhere where they can download my product( Duh!). I chose to give two options.

  1. Figma
  2. Gumroad

I used Gumroad to share a Zip file and Figma community to share the product with Figma users directly.

I kept the price zero in Gumroad to share this product with the community for free. I could have given the Zip file directly on the landing page but I chose Gumroad because of two possibilities

  1. Getting Email data that can help me in future
  2. A long hope that somebody might pay for my free product (I am optimistic)

And my optimism worked as someone paid for my product, I made $6 on my first product while it’s not a big amount, It’s still the first dollar I made online.

Here are the stats of Gumroad & Figma

Ohh shit, I forgot to show you the Product hunt stats!

I also got some social proof 😊

So to conclude, Don’t stress too much over the launch, Just create an amazing community around you, Talk with people, and interact.

Provide value to their life and they will return the favor.

Thanks, I’ll go back now to create another Product.


Ohh Sorry, I forgot to tell you that if you ever need any help in notion, connect with me :)



Rahul Singh Bhadoriya

Ex-Brand design at @0xpolygon 💜 Building web3 Brands & Products. ✸ Growing @superdms_app & @designfrens